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like stripeā„¢, for referrals

turbo charge your existing referral program, or create one painlessly.

Finally, a dev-friendly referral toolkit.

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Reward your users, boost your sales, drive new audiences, and leverage the most valuable marketing channel of all.
Developping referral systems shouldn't be a pain.

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Simple integration

It's easy to work with Invitation API. Your referral software and e-commerce platform might already have an integration.

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Cashback add-on

Simplify reward management with Invitation coins. A small percentage of your new sales will be redistributed to new your customers and their referrer. Use coins a your sole incentive, or along your own rewards.

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200,000 ambassadors

When you lanuch, your program will be exposed to Invitation's members and partner network. They're eager to promote your brand to their friends and family.

Invitation community


This toolkit is an effort by the team behind Invitation: a fast-growing social network that let people promote brands they love, and reap some rewards in the process. It became a community loved by brands too. Throught their referral campaigns, they get to reach new audiences at a fraction of the cost of traditional advertising, and everyone earn rewards in the process.

Referral programs indexed
Mini influencers
Rating in webstore

Ecommerce merchant? Join our early beta


We're helping selected companies integrate and promote Invitation API.


Ecommerce and Saas companies often struggles to create successful referral campaign and needs hands-on help.

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Affiliate & Referral platforms

We're teaming up with the best software company to provide the most appropriate features for any comapnies.

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Lokking for new ways to monetize your content and engage your audience?

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